How to get started as a sensitivity reader
Today’s guest post on becoming a sensitivity reader comes from Patrice Williams Marks, an author and a sensitivity reader herself.
If you’re an author, writer, or avid reader, you may already have the right tools to get started working as a sensitivity reader.
Which specific niche(s) would you be qualified for? Are you a member of the LGBTQ community? Are you Hispanic, Indian, obese, African-American, Muslim, a Little Person, Asian? Do you have experience with mental illness, foster care, etc.?
Hone in on your niche(s) and be very specific about what types of projects you’re qualified to review.
Then offer “free” Sensitivity Reads to fellow authors, friends of friends, or acquaintances.
Once you’ve done a handful and you have happy, satisfied clients, ask them for testimonials.
With testimonials in hand, position yourself online through your website and social media as a Sensitivity Reader in your specific niche(s).
Sensitivity readers charge according to their experience and skill set. But please note and tell future clients: Sensitivity readers are not editors in the normal sense.
They do not proof, rewrite, or find holes in stories. They simply read in order to determine whether bias, stereotypes, racism or assumptions are present, and offer possible solutions.
Sensitivity readers are needed in book publishing, gaming, film, television, marketing, and other industries.
I was on Reddit last month on a gaming thread. There was an indie game creator looking for African-American gamers to beta-test his project prior to release.
He had several characters within the game who were black and had them speaking heavy slang.
Thankfully he understood that someone who was actually black and played games should take a peek before release.
Sensitivity reading can be both fulfilling and lucrative.
If you fall into a much-needed niche and would like to provide a valuable, in-demand service, consider becoming a sensitivity reader.
About the author
Patrice Williams Marks is a sensitivity reader, founder of courses that teach sensitivity reading, founder of a nonprofit charity, and founder of several film festivals with diverse entries from filmmakers and writers.
She also has a background in public relations, marketing, and journalism with an emphasis on research.
You can check out her free sensitivity reading course here and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.