Authors, face your fears


We may make excuses about time and energy for not tackling a particular task, but often, the root cause is actually fear. (Looking at you, home DIY projects!)

Writing, of course, is not immune to this type of procrastination or avoidance. 

Marissa Frosch — a writer, the founder of Raven's Quill Publishing, and a certified book launch coach — knows this from personal experience and outside observations.

She identifies five common fears that might afflict authors:

1. Fear of judgment.

2. Fear that you’re not good enough.

3. Fear your book isn’t good enough.

4. Fear of failure.

5. Fear of success. (Yes, really!)

Do any of these resonate with you, or perhaps remind you of a fellow writer?

If so, learn how to overcome these types of fears in Frosch’s post on Joanna Penn’s blog.